September 13, 2013
Xavier DuprĂ© is a world-renowned type designer. After studying calligraphy and typography at the Scriptorium de Toulouse, France, he collaborated with Ladislas Mandel. Since then, he has established himself in Cambodia where he designs typefaces with as much freedom as possible. He appreciates Licko’s creativity, as much as the fluidity and calligraphic tensions in Slimbach’s […]
fontfont interview new fonts Xavier Dupré
April 27, 2008
A Font a Day Keeps the Doctor Away? It feels as though someone stole Wednesday and Thursday. Anyway, not much that can be done about that. Let’s get things rolling on a lighter note. Typophile, holds a great themed competition–or battle–each week. This week’s is one that anyone can have a go at: Garamond and […]
Emigre typography news Xavier Dupré