
Type on Screen

By the 1990s, CD-ROMs and the Internet turned computer screens into the final display substrate. Those were the dark ages of on-screen typography. Designers traded in low-res compromise, bending to the will of fours, the tyranny of the pixel. Endless hours were spent on what my colleagues and I affectionately called “fat-bitting.” It was an […]


Sayonara 2010

The Week in Type Two thousand and ten has been something of a blur, but it’s been a good year. It’s been another good year for type design and typography, with some great new work, and some wonderful new type designs. So, to ease you into 2011, and the wonders that await, I present to […]


Codex type

the week in type Perhaps you thought ‘The Week in Type’ was dead. Well, this post marks its resurrection. It won’t be weekly just yet, but from 2011 it will be: a weekly roundup of new releases, type and lettering to inspire, type tips, videos, and lots, lots more. If you haven’t yet subscribed to […]



Better Fonts for Better Websites Another new webfonts service from Font Bureau, Ascender Corp, and Co.


FontFont it!

Try webfonts for free Great, simple idea: Try out FontFont webfonts with FontFonter:


Typeface Design

Type @ Cooper Starting in the fall of 2010, the Continuing Education Department of The Cooper Union, in conjunction with the Type Directors Club, offers a Certificate Program in Typeface Design. Very nice web design by Nick Sherman.



Web Fonts from Extensis WebINK, another new webfonts service. This one from Extensis: Let me know if you’ve had the opportunity to use it. Currently in beta.


New FontFont webfonts

Majoor Love I was thinking, if only Scala & Scala Sans were released as web fonts. Well, now they’re here, and accompanied by some 300 others from the FontFont library.



Safari Showcase link


The type we want

Jonathan Snook at MIX10:


Typeface Categories

fonts on tape