
TDC type-design competition 2012

The Type Directors Club in New York City has been holding an annual competition for the best in typography (that is, the use of type in graphic design) since the 1950s. In 1997, James Montalbano and Paul Shaw founded TDC2, a second competition that dealt specifically with the design of typefaces. Together, they chaired the […]


Type Directors Club Annual Competition

Calls for Entries New York – Diego Vainesman, President of the Type Directors Club, has announced that the fifty-seventh annual Type Directors Club competition, TDC57; the fourteenth annual TDC Typeface Design Competition, TDC2 2011, and TDC Intro 011, dedicated to movie title design, Calls for Entries, will not be mailed this year. Entry forms and […]


Read between the leading

The Week in Type I always write this introductory paragraph last. As I’ve been working on this post all day, my eyes are now burning, and I’m flagging; so, let’s just get started. Loosen your belts — this is a big one.


TDC2 2009 results

And the Winners Are It’s that time of year again. The Type Directors club (TDC) has just announced its 2009 typeface awards, with the winners being awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence in Type Design. Here are a several of my favorites: Cassius from Mathieu Réguer:


Projected type

The Week in Type Welcome to this week’s the week in type. Thanks to all those who commented on David’s great On diacritics article. Upon seeing Greg Meadows’ photos from the boneyard in last week‘s the week in type, Matthew sent me some of his own:


The Type Directors Club

Call for Submissions For over 60 years the Type Directors Club has been the leading international organisation whose sole purpose is to support and promote excellence in typography wherever it’s found. The club was founded in 1946 by some of graphic design’s legendary pioneers, the TDC’s earliest membership included Aaron Burns, Freeman Craw, Louis Dorfsman, […]


National News

TDC2 Winners Announced

I wouldn’t usually post today, but the Type Directors Club (TDC) has just announced this year’s winners of TDC2 2008. Among them is Kris Sowersby’s sans serif, National. I’m sure you’d all like to join in congratulating Kris, and the other winners.Winning entries are divided into five categories, and here is a taster from three of them:

Type System / Superfamily

NationalKris Sowersby:



Typeface Categories

fonts on tape