
Karbon type

The Week in Type I’m struggling to keep up with all that’s new in type. Exciting times. Lots of great new releases, and some very novel and creative uses of type and lettering. Let’s jump straight in. I am tempted to try something like this:


Tungsten type

the week in type Let’s begin with something tougher than steel from H&FJ. Meet the just-released Tungsten. [insert superlatives here]


Show some restraint

The Week in Type Let’s get right down to business, and start with something really beautiful. Seb Lester, who I’ve mentioned on these pages before, recently released a new poster. The picture below really doesn’t do it justice. The silver print on gorgeous Plike paper is absolutely stunning:


Sunday Type: pointy type

These last couple of weeks I’ve been dreaming of a life-remote control. It need not be particularly high-tech–I just need a big pause button. I’m moving apartments and packing like there’s no tomorrow. Anyway, I’m taking a break from boxes and gum tape, to talk type.


Typeface Categories

fonts on tape