
Codex type

the week in type Perhaps you thought ‘The Week in Type’ was dead. Well, this post marks its resurrection. It won’t be weekly just yet, but from 2011 it will be: a weekly roundup of new releases, type and lettering to inspire, type tips, videos, and lots, lots more. If you haven’t yet subscribed to […]


José Mendoza y Almeida

Review of Bibliothèque Typographique’s first book, José Mendoza y Almeida


Sunday Type: Ale Paul type

In the Beginning Welcome to this week’s roundup of what’s hot in type. Before I get started, I’m thinking of renaming Sunday Type to something like This Week in Type (a nod to my favourite tech show, This Week in Tech, perhaps). Work commitments sometimes make it difficult to publish every week on a Sunday, […]


Typeface Categories

fonts on tape