

by Dan Reynolds From May 19–21, FontShop hosted its 16th annual TYPO-Berlin conference. Over 1,600 guests were in attendance. This year’s conference theme was “Shift,” and the subtext of many of the presentations dealt with how to bring one’s design work to the next level, whether that is the next level of your own personal […]


Founders Grotesk

By Kris Sowersby The impetus for Founders Grotesk originally came from Duncan Forbes of The International Office. We had often discussed the nature and usefulness of the classic grotesks, and the possibility of creating a new one. After trawling through my 1912 Miller & Richard specimen, he became enamoured with their series of Grotesques, particularly […]


Founders Grotesk

New from Klim Type Foundry This is just lovely. Everything that is good about the Grotesques is to be found in Kris Sowersby’s newly released Founders Grotesk. Be sure to take a look at the PDF specimen too.


Karbon type

The Week in Type I’m struggling to keep up with all that’s new in type. Exciting times. Lots of great new releases, and some very novel and creative uses of type and lettering. Let’s jump straight in. I am tempted to try something like this:



The Week in Type Welcome to another roundup of what’s new in type. If you missed the interview with French type designer Alice Savoie, then be sure to take a look. Alice’s next typeface, Capucine will be released through the Process Type foundry. Follow them on Twitter, and you’ll be informed the moment it’s released. […]


Show some restraint

The Week in Type Let’s get right down to business, and start with something really beautiful. Seb Lester, who I’ve mentioned on these pages before, recently released a new poster. The picture below really doesn’t do it justice. The silver print on gorgeous Plike paper is absolutely stunning:


Yes, we kern

The Week in Type I had intended to publish my review of Theo‘s The Typographic Desk Reference today. I’ll publish that next week. And, I missed out on April Fool‘s. I had so many ideas, from the new and free Adobe fonts with embedded ad glyphs (the humour’s in the execution!) to the … well, […]


TDC2 2009 results

And the Winners Are It’s that time of year again. The Type Directors club (TDC) has just announced its 2009 typeface awards, with the winners being awarded the Certificate of Typographic Excellence in Type Design. Here are a several of my favorites: Cassius from Mathieu RĂ©guer:


The week in type: casanova

Minister for Typography Welcome to The week in type*, the new name for Sunday Type. I know many of you have gotten used to the name, but for those new to the site, the former nomenclature could be a tad confusing. Thanks to the more than 100 of you who commented on the previous post, […]


Sunday Type: birthday type

One Candle on the Cup Cake It’s a little premature to celebrate ILT’s first birthday, but August 7th marks the day. In the coming weeks I’ll be organizing some prizes and competitions as a way of celebrating and thanking you, the reader. I have numerous things planned for ILT in the coming year, so stay […]


Typeface Categories

fonts on tape