Eames House Blocks
In the House These Eames House Blocks look great. Another hit from House Industries: Child not included (I guess).
Tag: House Industries
In the House These Eames House Blocks look great. Another hit from House Industries: Child not included (I guess). Objects of Desire Lots of new type-related goodies from House Industries. I want this ampersand pillow: The Week in Type Welcome to a slightly later than usual week in type. Lots happening in the world of web fonts — links to the best content below. There’s also free stuff, so don’t click away. And the nominations are… I had planned on publishing Typographic Detail for the Web, but Typographica has just released its annual Our Favorite Typefaces. It’s always an inspiring list, and a precursor of some of the fine things to come. Interestingly they’ve renamed it. Formerly it had been Best Fonts which is not wholly inaccurate […]Eames House Blocks
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