June 27, 2015
Perhaps this article should have ended at the question mark in its title. And by the end of it, you may well concur. However, in the meantime, and before I get started — and I promise this won’t take long — let me be clear, I am not, I repeat, not (in bold for emphasis) a Helvetica hater.
ask ILT feature Helvetica popular
November 11, 2013
It is hard not to simply gush about Paul Shaw’s Helvetica and the New York City Subway System: The True (Maybe) Story. For a life-student and consumer of design history and culture publications, it ticks so many boxes that to ‘merely’ enjoy it is really quite easy. While there has been much said about Helvetica+ […]
book review Helvetica
May 12, 2011
The last five months have been pretty intense. Creating a 164-page magazine from scratch is an enormous project and, looking back, I’m happy that I was naïve enough to think it could be done. Along with Carolyn Wood and Working Format we think we’ve created something very special indeed.
Arabic Font Bureau fontfont Helvetica newspaper video
December 7, 2010
Harder than it sounds Surprisingly fun for such a simple app. Free from the app store. Before playing, you might want to read ILT’s Arial vs. Helvetica.
Arial Helvetica
April 17, 2010
We use way too many fonts Though I have the utmost respect for the brilliant Massimo Vignelli, and am a fan of his work, his idea that we use too many typefaces feels like a unnecessary hyperbole. It’s by no means the first time he’s has voiced views. If you have no idea what I’m […]
Helvetica video
October 25, 2009
The Week in Type Welcome to a slightly later than usual week in type. Lots happening in the world of web fonts — links to the best content below. There’s also free stuff, so don’t click away.
Alejandro Paul David Březina Emigre Font Bureau FontShop Helvetica Hoefler & Co. House Industries new fonts Seb Lester Slab Serif Typekit Typotheque video web fonts
February 28, 2009
The Week in Type I always write this introductory paragraph last. As I’ve been working on this post all day, my eyes are now burning, and I’m flagging; so, let’s just get started. Loosen your belts — this is a big one.
FontShop Helvetica letterpress TDC
January 5, 2009
The Week in Type A belated Happy New Year to all. It’s that back-to-work time for everyone. Feeling inspired? I’m hoping that 2009 will pass by a little slower than 2008. Here’s ILT’s first post of 2009. Enjoy!
free fonts Helvetica interview posters
October 6, 2007
Two of the most popular typefaces on the planet. How alike are they? Which is better? Is Arial just a copy of Helvetica? What are their distinguishing features? Find out in the font battle, ‘Arial vs Helvetica’
Arial Helvetica Monotype
October 2, 2007
Part 1: Symptoms typoholism noun. A disorder characterized by the excessive consumption of and dependence on type, leading to physical and psychological harm and impaired social and vocational functioning. Also called typographical abuse, font dependence. You awake in a cold sweat, your hands trembling, your body stiff, eyes bloodshot; you need your fix. In every […]
Arial Helvetica