
Fonts for Luxury Brands: part two

In part one, we took a look at three typefaces recommend for fashion or luxury brands. Of course, your final decision about font choice will depend on a variey factors, such as the brand’s personality, its target audience, and the kind of message it wants to convey. And, although, we tend to typically associate high contrast typefaces with high fashion, they’re by no means our only choice.


Fonts for Luxury Brands

We’ve talked about fonts for fashion here on the blog before. And there’s a big overlap between the kinds of fonts used in fashion (especially the high-end stuff) and those used for other luxury brands.


Ask ILT: Fashion Fonts

In episode #2 of Ask ILT, I tackle the question, Why do fashion brands and magazines use so much Bodoni & Didot? Read on to find out why!


Typeface Categories

fonts on tape