Gay type
The Week in Type Hard to believe that 2011 is coming to a close. Autumn is showing its face, and before you know it, we’ll be Christmas shopping. Some inspiring stuff in this week’s The Week in Type. Sit back and enjoy.
Tag: Emigre
The Week in Type Hard to believe that 2011 is coming to a close. Autumn is showing its face, and before you know it, we’ll be Christmas shopping. Some inspiring stuff in this week’s The Week in Type. Sit back and enjoy. Reviewed by James Puckett In 1983 Rudy VanderLans, Zuzana Licko, Marc Susan, and Menno Meyjes began Emigre, a magazine about “…the global artist who juggles cultures, travels between them, and who is fluent in the cultural symbols of the world. An Ă©migrĂ©.”[1] Early issues meandered through essays, interviews, fiction and poetry. VanderLans directed wild layouts […] The Week in Type Welcome to a slightly later than usual week in type. Lots happening in the world of web fonts — links to the best content below. There’s also free stuff, so don’t click away. A Font a Day Keeps the Doctor Away? It feels as though someone stole Wednesday and Thursday. Anyway, not much that can be done about that. Let’s get things rolling on a lighter note. Typophile, holds a great themed competition–or battle–each week. This week’s is one that anyone can have a go at: Garamond and […]Gay type
Emigre No. 70, the Look Back Issue
Sex, lies, & type
Sunday Type: smoking type