
Designing for the Future Book

Craig Mod A wonderfully eloquent and thought-provoking talk by writer-designer-publisher, Craig Mod. After outlining the differences (physical and emotional) between the book as artifact and as digital, he addresses how we might reduce the experiential gap. Well worth 40 minutes of your day.


Make the margins bigger

If you’re like me and use the margins in books for commentary (‘Interesting idea.’ or ‘author is nuts!’), cross-references (‘see also Book X by M. Malaprop.’), and comparisons (e.g. ‘cf. p.58.’), then you might also share my frustration: In many, if not most books, the margins are just too small.


Gay type

The Week in Type Hard to believe that 2011 is coming to a close. Autumn is showing its face, and before you know it, we’ll be Christmas shopping. Some inspiring stuff in this week’s The Week in Type. Sit back and enjoy.


An interview with Craig Mod

The book you can’t part with A moment with Craig Mod from Graham CopeKoga on Vimeo.


Jules Verne

By Jim Teirney Jules Verne cover designs by Jim Tierney from Jim Tierney on Vimeo. via @ashetler


The Art of American Book Covers

New Books Richard Minsky’s new book, ‘The Art of American Book Covers’ available for pre-order: Reviewed over at Fine Books & Collections.


Emigre No. 70, the Look Back Issue

Reviewed by James Puckett In 1983 Rudy VanderLans, Zuzana Licko, Marc Susan, and Menno Meyjes began Emigre, a magazine about “…the global artist who juggles cultures, travels between them, and who is fluent in the cultural symbols of the world. An émigré.”[1] Early issues meandered through essays, interviews, fiction and poetry. VanderLans directed wild layouts […]


Art and Text

Reviewed by James Puckett Artist Joseph Kosuth’s 1965 work One and Three Chairs presented a static composition that represents an idea three ways. It was heady stuff, addressing what conceptual artists saw as a crisis of reconciling the realization of concepts with the concepts. One of the three material representations in One and Three Chairs […]


Typeface Categories

fonts on tape