Helvetica vs. Arial app
Harder than it sounds Surprisingly fun for such a simple app. Free from the app store. Before playing, you might want to read ILT’s Arial vs. Helvetica.
Tag: Arial
Harder than it sounds Surprisingly fun for such a simple app. Free from the app store. Before playing, you might want to read ILT’s Arial vs. Helvetica. Two of the most popular typefaces on the planet. How alike are they? Which is better? Is Arial just a copy of Helvetica? What are their distinguishing features? Find out in the font battle, ‘Arial vs Helvetica’ Part 1: Symptoms typoholism noun. A disorder characterized by the excessive consumption of and dependence on type, leading to physical and psychological harm and impaired social and vocational functioning. Also called typographical abuse, font dependence. You awake in a cold sweat, your hands trembling, your body stiff, eyes bloodshot; you need your fix. In every […]Helvetica vs. Arial app
Arial versus Helvetica
Typoholism. An Addict’s Tale