
Featured Fonts

Welcome to the newest edition of Featured Fonts where we take a quick look at six font families that might have flown under your radar. We have serifs and sans serifs and variable fonts, and typefaces for all kinds of projects from editorial design to branding and packaging. Enjoy!


Ordina, a new neo-grotesque superfamily in 5 widths and 9 weights. Also available as a 3-axes variable font — great for animations! Adding to Ordina’s versatility is its support for Greek & Cyrillic scripts; and language support for Vietnamese. In celebration of its release, Ordina is 50% off right now.

Eckhart Color

Eckhart Color, a stunning new layer-font family from ROHH. If you don’t need all the layers, but you’re looking for a chunky, high-contrast Didone, then try Eckhart Color Layer 1. But there is a huge saving when you buy the whole family of 8 fonts for $39.

Calvino Grande

The new and beautiful Calvino Grande from Zeta Fonts. A great choice for stylish packaging and editorial design. Part of the larger and very impressive Calvino superfamily. And 40% off!


Flexible by Art Grootfontein, as its name suggests is an elastic font family. It’s coolest feature is that not only is it flexible in width, but in height too. And, of course, it’s also available as a 2-axes variable font. The whole family, including the variable font, is $65. Without it, $45.


Krasar, from Anagata Type, is a humanist Khmer font family designed for longform reading in print or on screen. In recent years, it’s been the typeface of choice for many designers and Cambodian companies who have chosen Krasar for setting texts and in brand identity. It’s on sale: $192 $134.40.

Reina Neue

Reina Neue is a fantastically luxurious and swashbuckling smorgasbord of sumptuousness. Turn off swahes and you have a rather reserved text face — turn them on and boom! 45 fonts in total. Get the whole family or select one of our collections.

Quick linksOrdinaEckhart ColorCalvino GrandeFlexibleKrasarReina Neue

previous: Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Farandole & Lustik

next: Comic Code — it’s no joke!

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