Gay type
The Week in Type
Hard to believe that 2011 is coming to a close. Autumn is showing its face, and before you know it, we’ll be Christmas shopping. Some inspiring stuff in this week’s The Week in Type. Sit back and enjoy.
Let’s begin with a gorgeous book cover by Carlo Giovani for the new Brazilian edition of Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth:
Lovely use of Phaeton by Randy Jones & Kevin Cornell.
Via @ThinkingType.
We’ve seen typographic ornaments, clothing, furniture. But what about the floor! Enter LinusDean and their type-themed rugs:
If a rug is too big, then how about something a little smaller: Type-Rings:
The Wood Type Revival site of Matt Griffin & Matt Braun has launched. This started out as a Kickstarter project. You can now buy licences for some of the ‘revived’ fonts. Some of the library is available on Typekit.
Linotype is one of the last of the big font foundry/distributors to redesign their websites. Looking pretty good. Certainly a huge improvement:
PBS continues its series of Off Book shorts with one devoted to type:
This could well be the world’s largest printing type. The work of Nick Sherman:
And, yes, he printed with them.
Created for the Wood Type Evolved exhibition at Columbia College, Chicago. The exhibition runs until December 10, 2011.
Promotional video for Simon Garfield’s Just my Type:
Just My Type from Pentagram on Vimeo.
And Paul Shaw’s scathing review of the book.
I recently featured the work of the 2011 Hague Type Design graduates. Now for the Reading class of 2011:
Particularly like Saja for its Korean component, and mostly for its ground-breaking true italic:
Vaibhav Singh’s Eczar is also pretty ambitious. Like the stencil:
Web Fonts has just released its Web Font plug-in for Photoshop. Basically access to the entire library of WebINK web fonts for comping.
See Elliot Jay Stocks’ review of the plug-in for more info.
Emigre’s award-winning type specimen catalogs are now available for free as PDF files:
Wonderful interview with the brilliant graphic and book designer Irma Boom:
via @klimtypefoundry
Bacteria type. You might not want to try this at home:
Via @tina_stsh. Didn’t Oded Ezer do something similar to this a while back?
Right now the annual ATypI (Association Typographique Internationale) convention is in full swing in Iceland. We’ll have a review posted here in due course. For me one of the highlights is the release of the long-awaited font editor, RoboFont.
And congratulations to type designer Eben Sorkin who was nominated for election to the ATypI Board. Great news.
New fonts
Love Filmotype Prima available from FontShop. Drawn by Patrick Griffin (see also his Ambassador Script & Bigfoot)
The bulbous and voluptuous Fiance by Sudtipos:
A lovely new Fatface from James Puckett of Dunwich Type. Meet Sybarite in four weights with complimentary italics:
Like the naming convention: Small, Medium, Large, and Huge.
And Mark Simonson scores another home run with his third typeface in the Filmotype ‘G’ series, Filmotype Gay. Wonderful:
See also Filmotype Ginger and Filmotype Glenlake.
Abril from TypeTogether is a really sound text face. Interesting are the dual sources for the complimentary text and titling styles. The titling face is based on the Didone, while the text face is inspired by the Slab Serif and Scotch Roman. Comes complete with a number of typographic ornaments and borders:
The shape of of future book.
Roman Opałka: 1 – ∞
What made scribes laugh?
About face: Ratio Display
Three-Letter approach to kerning
Stop Motion Video Introduces The Vocabulary Of Typography
Veer Ideas: Behind The Typeface
The books business: Great digital expectations
Really looking forward to @Contents magazine.
Who really designed Times New Roman?
Some nice spreads of Codex magazine over at Typetoken and here.
Finally, some news about Codex magazine. You may have heard via Twitter that I am having problems with PayPal and their arbitrarily imposed rolling reserves. Without going into the impossibly dull details I’ll just say that Codex will be published twice yearly instead of quarterly. Though it will mean fewer issues per year, it will mean that the quality remains exceptionally high. Work on issue two has already begun, and I hope to publish it in December or thereabouts. If you enjoyed issue #1, then you will go crazy for issue #2. As issue #1 is almost sold out (4,000 copies sold!), I will be releasing a PDF version soon. I will announce it on Twitter.
Finally, finally, I have some great new feature articles coming soon to ILT. So, keep your eyes peeled, and have a really great weekend, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing.
Today’s I Love Typography header set in Jean François Porchez’s AW Conqueror Carved One & Four.