
MOMA on the money

The week in type

Hope you enjoy this week’s week in type. To kick things off, lets all give a warm hand to the makers and bakers of the fonts that made it into MOMA’s permanent collection. Particularly happy yo see Barry Deck’s Template Gothic in there — one of my all-time favorite quirky display types.

Be sure to read Jonathan Hoefler’s thoughts over at the exceptional Kottke. H&FJ see four of their types added to the collection: HTF Didot, Gotham, Mercury and Retina.

New types

The lovely new Carter Sans from Matthew Carter. Available from Linotype:

Looks especially good in all-caps settings.

Juliet Shen’s Bullen, available from Font Bureau:

Complete with an italic aspiring to be a script.

On the money with LettError’s LTR Federal:

Added to my growing font shopping list.

Pollen by Brazilian designer Eduardo Berliner. Available from Typetogether. Three fonts: regular, italic, and bold. And be sure to take a look at Pollen’s PDF specimen.

A taste of Art Nouveau, with Typonine’s newly released Delvard:


Type Snobs? Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich and Matteo Bologna talk about the concept for this year’s Type Directors Club call for entries:

Type Snobs from Type Directors Club on Vimeo.

The original typomaniac Erik Spiekermann, interviewed for Deutsche Welle TV:

Typographer and communication designer Erik Spiekermann on Deutsche Welle TV from Edenspiekermann on Vimeo.

Make it Better:

Make it better from Sebastianbap on Vimeo.

The Typographic Hub. A project to keep an eye on:

New T-shirts featuring FontStruct fonts:

Photos of pages from a Day & Collins wood type catalog:

Some great work over at Ross Milne’s site, including this custom lettering that I’m particularly fond of:

Twenty-six Types from Craig Wills:

More typing than type, but fun nonetheless. Z-Type:

Some great T-shirts designed by calligrapher and lettering artist, Luca Barcellona. The Gold Series:

I have a copy of Early Venetian Printing Illustrated in my library. It’s difficult to find, as it’s been out of print for decades; but it is available on Archive.org. You can view it online, or download the PDF. Hundreds of facsimiles of woodcut initials and decorative borders.

This one printed by Bernardinus de Benaliix in Venice, 1486.

Typefaces of the World, an ‘infographic’ poster by Shelby White. Not sure of its usefulness, but it does look nice.


This year’s TypeCon ‘Surge’: New Orleans, Louisiana — July 5-10, 2011.

Type links

Stephen Coles: Some Thoughts On Web Fonts.
Discussion: How does Webtype compare with Typekit?
Typetogether newsletter.
Three questions, nine typographers.
Tom’s Glossary of Book Publishing Terms (humorous).
Daily Calligraphy.
Subsetting CJK fonts for web delivery.
A life in letters: Remembering Zvi Narkis.
Designing a 22nd-century classic: Oded Ezer
Johanna Biľak’s Jigsaw used by Tzegoh — Fonts in Use.
Typophile: The caron in ascending letters.
Pseudo-study: Comic Sans Makes Learning Easier. (In other news: A breed of farting monkeys has been discovered on Uranus.)
Free App Icon template.
Redefining Design: Introducing the New Face of Print Magazine
Introducing the New Face of Print Magazine.

Have a great weekend!

previous: Sayonara 2010

next: iType

Typeface Categories

fonts on tape