Karbon type
I’m struggling to keep up with all that’s new in type. Exciting times. Lots of great new releases, and some very novel and creative uses of type and lettering. Let’s jump straight in.
I am tempted to try something like this:
Futura vs Verdana IKEA Smackdown:
From RocketBoom. Via @DesignObserver.
Something a little more serious: a short profile of the wonderful Gerard Unger, the designer of one of my all-time favourites, Swift:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onILhdHhcd8And talking of Swift, Linotype has just released an updated version. Originally designed by Gerard Unger in 1985, in the mid-90s he redrew all the fonts with PostScript outlines. Swift Neue LT Pro (or Neue Swift), its latest incarnation boasts an expanded character set, and OpenType features. Long overdue for such a great face:
And from Dutch type to Dutch ads of the 40s & 50s, in this great little Flick set from Henk van het Nederend:
Another great Flickr set — Typographics from Trip Print Press.
This Blue Flickr set, doesn’t comprise type-related imagery only; however, there are some great ones in there, including this sign:
And this one from eyetwist’s signs+type set:
Like that 5.
Last week, I mentioned the release of Ale Paul’s latest script, Semilla. He’s teamed up with French photographer Stéphane Giber to bring us some wonderful specimens:
You can see the specimens on Behance, buy Semilla from Veer, and see more of Stéphane’s work on Flickr. — via @typegirl
Fell in love with this the moment I set eyes on it. The work of Matheus Barbosa:
Love these new business cards for Jos Buivenga’s exljbris foundry. Great idea, beautifully done:
The work of Jeffrey Osborne:
Lettrage by Marin Van Uhm. Seventeen geometric shapes used to construct an alphabet:
Via texturism.
Carolyn Sewell’s Pedestrian ‘Typography’ Flickr collection. No typography in there, but some lovely lettering:
Lovely cover for Illusive — Contemporary Illustration Part 3, from Gestalten:
This brought to mind the Guardian newspaper’s 1977 April Fool’s about San Serriffe. This is the work of the Verona-based Happy Centro design studio:
Via Jacob Heftmann.
I wouldn’t mind a few copies of TYP (not to be confused with the Czech title TYPO):
Anyone have a Flickr set of TYP spreads? I bet David Březina has a stack of them. — via @mmcgovern.
A fun Flash experiment from The Man in Blue. Bokeh Type:
Thanks to @haraya.
Can’t believe I haven’t featured Jonathan Barnbrook’s blog here before. Let’s fix that:
And here’s the latest from Jonathan’s Virus foundry, Hopeless Diamond:
Which leads us on to a raft of other new releases:
New type
This stunning ornament typeface from Jonathan Perez. Meet Cadence:
You really must see the Cadence PDF specimen.
From DS Type, Finura:
Kris Sowersby is an exceptional type designer, so I’m very pleased to get a sneak peak at his upcoming sans, Karbon:
The above scaled-down image doesn’t do it justice, so please visit Kris’ foundry site KLIM for a better view.
There’s also Karbon Slab Stencil, commissioned for Winegrowers of Ara via Parallax Design; though I’m no fan of stencil types.
Quatro available in Ultra Black and Ultra Black Italic. Like the italic k:
Interestingly, yet another to be spaced with Igino Marini’s iKern service.
Almost missed Alright Sans which was released in August. Drawn by Jackson Cavanaugh:
If you’re looking for a movie partner, a pal to watch a DVD with, then I suggest you do so with anyone but Mark Simonson. And if you do, then disable the pause button on your remote. Read The FontFeed’s post, Mark Simonson’s Changeling Stars In Star Trek to discover why.
A free Restraint letterpress print for one person who can name the character Mark replaces in my dreadful PhotoShop rehash, plus the name of the typeface used in the caption “Boldly Going“. Don’t write your answers in the comments; instead tweet & append your answers as hashtags; e.g. #Stanley_Morrison #Proxima_Nova. I’ll choose a winner tomorrow.
New books
From Hyphen Press, Modern typography in Britain: graphic design, politics, and society (Typography papers 8):
From the Dept of Typography at Uni of Reading.
Type links
Creative Characters — an interview with Jos Buivenga
10 ‘letterpress’ type tutorials — 6 Revisions
A magazine called Elephant
Type Design Competition — Modern Cyrillic 2009
Free copy Letterform with October issue of Grafik:
A great piece on the German MyFonts blog about the making of Tim Ahrens’ Facit:
Surprised not to see more of Facit; it’s a pretty special sans. Google translate will give you the gist.
Ah! Chocolate & type:
I actually remember this chocolate — at that price.
Be sure to read CR Blog’s piece by Gavin Lucas, on Maker Difference: pop-up letterpress studio:
Two new type- and lettering-related sites. First, Friends of Type from Aaron Carambula & co.:
Second, Type Goodness. Great little site; just a pity there are so many ad’s plastered everywhere:
And a nicely redesigned TypoJungle:
The beautiful Daily Drop Daily from lettering artist, illustrator, and creator of Buttermilk, Jessica Hische:
Via @shiflett.
The Night of the Italians — Thursday, October 15, 2009.
What a line-up! On the panel: Louise Fili, Francesco Cavalli, Massimo Vignelli, & Matteo Bologna.
Free type
From the Open-Source foundry, The League of Moveable Type League Gothic:
I’ll conclude with my WLT pick of the week. A still life photo from Trevor Dixon:
Thanks for reading, and enjoy what’s left of your weekend.
Header type: P22 Allyson Pro.