
Chelsea, darling

The Week in Type

The move to my new host, Fused Network, went very smoothly. As iLT has been expanding pretty rapidly, a server with a little more oomph was required. If you’re looking for great hosting and fantastic support, then try Fused. David, the main man at Fused is something of a server superstar.

Chelsea Darling was the winner of my first twitter-type prize. Chelsea won a copy of Simon Loxley’s The Secret History of Letters. I’ve decided to do this every week. So, from now on, I’ll pick a random follower and send you some type-related goodies. And, no, Chelsea Darling is not a character from AbFab — it’s her real name.

OK, let’s kick off this week’s the week in type with something I really want need. The Helvetica Moleskine:

moleskine helvetica

Great little video from RocketBoom, in which Vincent Connare, creator of Comic Sans (by no means his only achievement), talks about the ubiquitous hand-drawn type:

See also John D. Berry’s The man who made Comic Sans.

House Industries introduces the absolutely exquisite Alexander Girard Collection:

alexander girard

Love these alphabet blocks:


House kindly let me use one of their photos to create an iPhone wallpaper which you can download over at TypeNuts.

Nice idea for a Flickr Group, Book of the Week, where you’re invited to create your own book cover — based on an existing cover:


Take a photo of some type or lettering with your iPhone, and upload to Huge Type:

huge type


Business cards from Studio on Fire:


via @aisleone

Free fonts

Two free fonts from Ascender Fonts. First, Mayberry Pro Semi Bold:

mayberry pro semibold

Second, Resonance Bold:

free font: resonance bold

You’ll need to sign up to download them, but it’s free to do so. Let me know if you make use of them.

Lavoisier, the free and Open Source font I mentioned in last week’s the week in type has been updated to include support for Cyrillic.

New type

First, the surprise release of Skolar. Had expected a much later release date, but it’s available from TypeTogether from today. Skolar is the type used for iLT’s default masthead, and I’m a big fan:

skolar specimen

David tells me the Bold Italic will be released in April. Be sure to take a look at the new Skolar PDF specimen too.

Newt Serif by Nathanael Bonnell:

newt serif

Not sure how to describe this one. It doesn’t easily fit into existing categories. It has a hand drawn quality about it, though it’s a seriffed face. I don’t have a license for this one, so haven’t had chance to play with it. Anyway, I think I like it. What do you think?

SangBleu & SangBleu Sans from BP:

fonts: sangbleu bp

Bolda display is Morten Iveland‘s first typeface.

bold display

A limited character set; only lowercase a-z, but comes in Regular and Outline. I’d like to use this on a poster.

The League of Moveable Type intends to create a repository of Open Source fonts:

league of moveable type

Typographic posters

This could really become a great resource for typographic posters. Mentioned in passing a while back, but has been updated since:

typographic posters

This Sagmeister is one of my favourites:

thinking life. sagmeister

Love this poster by Spin from the recent We are Tokyo exhibition:


Like this poster from the Romanian Citrus Design:

babel center by citrus design

citrus design

I lost faith in the Tooth Fairy after getting just 10 pence under my pillow. And that wasn’t during a recession. However, for those less cynical, how about the letterpress Tooth Fairy kit:

tooth fairy kit

Via @inspirationbit.

Looking forward to the publication of Oded Ezer’s The Typographer’s Guide to the Galaxy:


[iLT tag: Oded Ezer]. Via @NirTober.

Really like the look of this site:

the semantic web

Another resource for typographic imagery, the new image tagging imgspark. Take a look at the typography tag:


Nice spread/layout from Pinch for Fios, Inc.

pinch design studio

Also see Pinch’s work for Hawthorne Books.

Type links

New OpenType editor: DTL OTMaster
The Printing Museum in Tokyo
LegiStyles for NetNewsWire
Comic book letteringvia
50 typography resources
Everyone’s a number
Type Battle 35 — stars & stripes
Valentype 2009 & win a Fontsvia
Hand drawn type book covervia
Spotted a Hobo?
Interview with Jonathan Barnbrook
Are fonts embedded with sIFR safe from theft?
Birmingham (UK) kisses the apostrophe good bye — via

Can’t believe I haven’t featured this site on iLT before. if you haven’t already seen it:


Some lovely photos from the Musée de l’imprimerie in Lyon.


Love this kind of experimentation with letterforms:


Another excellent grids tool, Fluid 960 Grid System:

fluid 960 grid

Where tweets mean prizes

I’ve offered a number of give-aways in the past, and I’ve often done so through the comments; leave a comment, and I pick one at random. Once that led to some 300 comments. In future I’ll give away things via twitter (unless someone has a better idea). I have absolutely no problem with you ‘unfollowing’ me after the give-away; it’s just an easy way for me to pick a winner.

prize 1
a license for Bolda Display mentioned above. What do you need to do to be in with a chance of winning? Well, if you’re already following me on twitter, then nothing. I’ll pick a winner at random from my twitter friends within the next few days.

prize 2
a copy of Suitcase Fusion 2 for Mac OS X, from Extensis:

suitcase fusion 2

In the meantime you can download a free 30-day trial. If you’d like to be included in the draw for this one (remember the app is for Mac OS X only), then simply let me know on twitter. Add #ilovetype so I can find it. Thanks to Extensis for donating this prize.

There will be prizes every week from now on. Next week will be a book or some fonts. If you’re already following me, then you’re automatically entered into the weekly draw. Spread the word. And, If you’re in a position to offer prizes, then let me know.

And finally …

Hope that at least some of the above inspired you. Wherever you are, and whatever you’re doing, have a great week.

previous: Projected type

next: iFont, iPhone

Typeface Categories

fonts on tape