The week in type: die neue
Ramping it up
First, thanks to everyone who took part in the My favourite letters competition. Some great entries, and two great prizes for the winners. See the end of the post to discover who the lucky ones are. If you didn’t win, then rest assured there will be many more give-aways and prizes in future, so stay tuned.
Let’s start with something different, a typography-inspired WordPress theme from hellyeahdude:
And it’s free. And while we’re on WordPress, I’ve heard a lot of positive feedback about the WP-hyphenate plugin. I haven’t yet had a chance to test it, but will do. Hyphenation—depending on the measure (line length)—isn’t always the solution to ugly rags, but I’d like to hear what you think of it. You can download the WP-hyphenate plugin from King-Desk.
Like this work from ramp creative for CWS Capital Partners. Bringing the sex back into annual reports (was it ever there?):
This is something I’ve been meaning to do for ages—collect all the posters I’ve featured on iLT, and archive & index them. Behance has already done it, and very nicely too, with Typography served:
Some interesting type on these—of all things—poison labels:
A great little interview with František Štorm on Ralf Herrmann’s OpenType blog:
Who can name the typefaces in the illustration above?
A lovely collection of postage stamps designed by type designers:
Via Zeldman.
A great letterpress Flickr set from The arm:
They’re in NYC, so if you’re close by, why not drop in. Map here.
Really like the look of this display face, Akimoto:
Its designer, Ossi Gustafsson, tells me its release is imminent. Will let you know here.
I think I want one of these t-shirts from ugmonk:
In fact, thanks to Jeff Sheldon, the guy behind ugmonk, we have one t-shirt of your choice to give away. Just tell me which letter you’d like to see make an appearance on an ugmonk t-shirt. Rather than clutter up the comments, please send your idea to jboardley{å†)gmail(dot)com. Please put ugmonk in the subject line. I’ll announce a winner on next week’s twiT.
This wonderful design for a commenorative 5-Euro coin. Designed by Stani Michiels:
Thanks to proud Dutchman, Albert Visser for the heads up.
To see the reverse side, and for more information see Unzipped.
The Dutch government has just introduced new corporate typeface familes, Rijksoverheid Serif and Rijksoverheid Sans:
Read more about it over at Sander Baumann’s designworkplan.
An interview with Austrian artist BUSK on LetterCult:
Give-away idea
I have an idea: each month I’d like to select someone at random from those who subscribe to iLT, and give something back. The lucky winner each month will receive an Amazon voucher, a book, a font, a t-shirt, a poster, or something else. So, I’m looking for someone who can write a WordPress plugin that will add, say, a random number to the RSS feed. Each month, I select one number, and the winner gets the stash. How can I make this work. Ideas, please.
Type links
Real type on the web
2 Colors Design
New type: Late November from P22
Re-branding Polaroid
Irish Typewriter Keyboards
Font sightings—the next generation
Web fonts: the death of type foundries?
New fonts
Soft Serve from Haley Fiege and James Arboghast of Sentinel Type:
FF Mister K looks absolutely fantastic:
There’s quite a lot to be said about this great new Kafka-handwriting-inspired type, but rather than repeat it all here, simply head on over to the FontFeed for more about the incredible new type from Julia Sysmäläinen.
There’s a new addition to the Mrs Eaves family, in the form of Mrs Eaves bold italic:
A beautiful cover idea from Pentagram. Designed by Angus Hyland and Fabian Herrmann:
Love the manila bellyband! Via Ace Jet 170.
Some more yellow and black in the form of this poster from Vgrafiks Design for Amnesty International:
Really wish I could have dropped in on the Letters & Ligatures exhibition held by House Industries. For coverage see nerdski‘s blog.
Robert has also uploaded a bucket-full of photos from the exhibition, including several of a 6ft ampersand!
And yet more info and pic’s at House Industries. Wish they’d go on the road with this.
I featured Paul Grabowski‘s stunning poster for the 54th Type Directors Show. Heather Mcleay has done something similar with Times New Roman:
ILT was featured in Creative Arts design annual #49:
I don’t have my copy yet, so thanks to Lauren for sending me a few pic’s. More on creativecurio.
And the winners are…
Some great submissions for the My favourite letters competition. Stephen Coles of FontShop chose the winner of the FontBook: Hamish’s w from Museo:
It’s one of my favourites too. Stephen had this to say about Hamish’s entry,
Love the way it plays on the trademark feature of Museo: its pipe-curve serifs.
The second winner, who gets a copy of Made with FontFont, is Anne-Sophie Fradier (mitternachts on Flickr) with the letter R from Duc de Berry:
Congratulations to Hamish and Anne-Sophie, and a huge thank you again to Stephen and FontShop for these wonderful prizes. Be sure to subscribe to FontShop’s very cool FontFeed.
Space doesn’t permit listing all the others worthy of honourable mention, but here are two:
You’ve got to love Buffet Script!
The My favourite letters pool is still open, so feel free to continue submitting your favourite letters.
I’m only about a third of the way through my list of things to post here, but it’s getting late. If I have time mid-week, then I’ll post more then. Hope you enjoyed the week in type. Have a great week!