
The week in type: casanova

Minister for Typography

Welcome to The week in type*, the new name for Sunday Type. I know many of you have gotten used to the name, but for those new to the site, the former nomenclature could be a tad confusing. Thanks to the more than 100 of you who commented on the previous post, and for your votes on the WordPress showcase. Makes me all the more determined to really step things up. The book winners are at the end of this post. Let’s begin with some love,

from Joseph Mueller. I may have one of these to give away. Anyone interested?

New fonts

Neil Summerour has been pretty busy with the recent release of his latest sans, Akagi:

Available in twenty weights. It’s also Neil’s birthday today, though his age is a closely guarded secret.

And a lovely custom sans typeface from Kris Sowersby for the Bank of New Zealand. Serrano:

You might also be interested in this lengthy Serrano Typophile thread.

Though you’ll have to wait until October 2013 to license it for yourself.

Free fonts

A few weeks ago I mentioned SMeltery’s free font Geronto Bis. Well, Jack Usine (aka Jules the Vernacular) has updated his 2004 release Megalopolis. Now in OpenType, and with exteneded language support, download the freeware font Megalopolis Extra:

As always, remember to read the license before downloading. Also used to set today’s masthead.
Via Le typographe.

We’ve had Helvetica the documentary; now, from kartemquin films we have TypeFace, the movie:

For info about screenings see the Kartemquin web site. Thanks to Peter van Impelen for the link.

Lots of inspiration to be found in this type sketchbook Flickr pool:

For those of you who like type with an added dimension—the third—you might enjoy this list:

A brief, though excellent little article, Making geometric type work:

Attempting to apply exactly the same set of rules to each letter is similar to handing out the same size clothes to a random selection of adults. Some will have excess baggy sleeves, others will be skin tight, and some will barely squeeze over their heads.

Via Dan Reynolds’ typeoff.

A collection of ornamental type & lettering:

Lots more on the BiblioOdyssey web site. Thanks Jeffrey.

Those who read Portuguese might like Anatomia tipográfica:

And don’t forget there are already six iLT articles in Portuguese too.


I may have some Jawa and Midwich to give away, so keep your eyes peeled.

A type a day, for 365 days, from this calendar:

See typografie.de (German only) for more information.

For fans of type and Hitchcock, here’s a new t-shirt from Pampling:

Thanks, Yuki.

The rather clever Decode clock from Arthur Yung and Clement Cheung:

Thanks, Anton.


Some good news about Slanted:

I loved the magazine, but hated the printing. Well, now Slanted is printed in offset, to match the quality of its content. Issue 6 is now out. In future, Slanted will be published quarterly. There’s more information about subscriptions here.

Please, Slanted, have an optional English-language order/subscriptions page! Anyway, Slanted is great. Buy it!


Typoretum has just launched its letterpress Christmas cards:

Clever little star thing from the letter overlaps. Hurry while stocks last:

Roundup links

Display Type & the Raster Wars—Jon Tan
Typography Kicks Ass
WDE2009 dream speakers
Type Battle 28—Defiant alphabet
Whose Garamond is it anyway?
Android supports the @font-face
Hermann Zapf turns 90 today
Type trends—Sean Ashcroft
Discount on Spanish Bringhurst
Typography as the only design element
Pop!Tech poster from Bantjes
Obama big news in the NY Times
Image caption design—Smashing Magazine

An interesting piece from John D. Berry who suggests a new position in Obama’s government, Minister of Typography.
It brought to mind (though not completely related—that’s just how my mind works, I guess) Robert Kinross’ words in Unjusttifid texts,

Could tyography be a topic of regular and intelligent discussion in newspapers. If music, architecture, cookery and gardening have critics and columnists, then why not typography? **

Apologies for the hurried (dreadful) PhotoShop job. Send me a better one, if you can. Who would you vote for?

And the winners are …

In the previous post I offered two giveaways. The winners, chosen at random are Carolyn, who gets a copy of Robert Bringhurst’s The Elements of Typographic Style, and Torbjørn Vik Lunde who’ll get a copy of James Felici’s The Complete Manual of Typography. Thanks to everyone who left comments on the post. Wonderful to read your kind words. I’ll do my best to offer many more prizes and give-aways in future. In fact, I have some posters on the way. As soon as they arrive, I’ll be itching to give them away to iLT readers.

And finally …

Don’t forget the My favourite letters competition. You have until November 13. Two winners receive a copy of the type compendium FontBook, and Made with FontFont, courtesy of FontShop.

I’m really very, very far behind on replying to emails. If you have emailed me, then don’t take my silence as a snub/unrequited love. I’ll do my best to respond to everyone, but sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Hope you enjoyed today’s post. I have another interview coming up, a post of some of my favourite typefaces, and an in-depth look at diacritics, plus lots, lots more.

Have a magnificent week.

* Thanks to Stephen who suggested “the week in type”.

** Unjustified texts—perspectives on typography, p.358, making reference to Erik Spiekermann’s Rhyme & reason (sadly out of print).

previous: Vote

next: More from the mighty Seb Lester

Typeface Categories

fonts on tape