Sunday Type: inspiring type
Finger Lickin’ Good
Another busy week, and a later than usual Sunday Type. Owing to work commitments that have a habit of interfering with ILT, those articles I promised will be posted, though a little later than scheduled. Several big articles are on their way: the fifth part in the History of Typography series, a personal piece on Why Type Matters, a couple of interviews, and the Combining Type article that outlines how to combine serifed typefaces with sans serif ones. In the meantime, here’s something to inspire you:
First up is some lovely lettering from Russian Maxwell Lord:
Stunning photography from Steve Leadbeater:
A lovely poster for the Raking Leaves exhibition in Berlin:
Work of Andrio Abero:
These wonderful creations from Bath-based Ice House Design:
Typigraphy. Brilliant. Thanks to Richard Spencer Davies for the heads up.
These are very, very clever:
Not sure what to call them, but Kanjiograms sounds good to me. From Connecting the Dots (Japanese).
Extensis’ followup to Brave Font, Max Kerning. You’ll either love it or hate it:
A series of wallpapers (who knows, perhaps one day they will become t-shirts or screen-printed posters), where I show you some of my favourite letterforms:
Why not join the My Favourite Letters Flickr Group and show me yours.
Via notcot.
I’ve mentioned the work of Oded Ezer several times before. Michael Bierut called him “[the] master of inventive Hebrew lettering”:
from his Typoplastic Surgeries series.
Sunday links
MyFonts Rising Stars
Pricing tables showcase
Frilly bits typographic inspiration—thanks, Alec.
Jean François Porchez’s Type History, part 2
Interview with Lucas De Groot
Hangul, the world’s most perfect script—H&FJ
New fonts
First is Recovery, a single weight display sans, from James Puckett. Released via TypeTrust:
Next is Montague Script by Stephen Rapp, a gorgeous contemporary script:
Free things
Don’t forget to get your copy of the Font Magazine, free from FontShop. Just sign up (it’s free and easy), and you’ll get some great type, sitting proudly on its favourite substrate—good old paper.
Quicksand (seven fonts), from Andrew Paglinawan:
The link to the fonts is in this Typophile thread.
Darren Marshall of ampertee has kindly offered one of his t-shirts as a prize.
To be in with a chance of winning one, name the typefaces that these two S’s are taken from:
Send your answers via the contact form. I’ll choose a correct entry at random, and announce the winner next week.
I’m only about a third of the way through my list of things to post this week, but it’s back to work for me. I will try to post more during the week. Have an inspiring, productive, and happy week. And, on a light note, this has to be the ultimate pet name.