
Welcome to I Love Typography

I collect samples of ‘type’ wherever I go, usually recording it with a photograph. The simple aim of this blog is to record and share those findings, and to get your typographic juices flowing.

I intend to broaden this site’s scope in time. Ideally, I’d love to make it all things type, with numerous resources, biographies of typographers, a glossary of typography terms, and … lots of other very useful, entertaining and, well, interesting stuff.

If things on this page look a little awry, then that’s because I’m still building the site. Should be ready for general consumption by the end of August 2007.

In the meantime, if you have any comments or suggestions, then let me know. Would be great to hear from you.


Can you name this typeface? The one used to set “40”. Hint: it’s a Japanese road sign.

next: Helmut Schmid

Typeface Categories

fonts on tape